Note: This website is a sandbox for experimenting with Blot–I will move here eventually. In the meantime, you might want to visit my public website instead.
I am an Associate Professor of History at Concordia University in Montreal. My book, The Listener’s Voice: Early Radio and the American Public, came out from University of Pennsylvania Press in 2011. I’ve published articles in American Quarterly, Radical History Review, Russian Review, Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, Cultural Studies, Social Media + Society, Studies in European Cinema, SubStance, Black Camera, and several edited collections. My work has appeared in Russian, Italian, and Czech as well as English. My research interests include U.S. radio history; music recommendation, recognition, and mastering algorithms; the Global Cold War; film translation; Global South cinema networks; and
Soviet international film festivals. I am currently writing a book about freeform radio station WFMU and the rise of online music.